We moved some desks today.

March 28, 2009

Dear Diary,
It started when I saw David’s email the other day announcing that some staff were being shifted out of the small office and re-positioned in the main sales office. I thought, hello, moves afoot, I wonder how long it’ll be before my name is mentioned!!

Now I’m not sure of his name, it could be Kevin, I think he’s something to do with marketing in there, but he came to see me yesterday. He wasn’t sure if I was the right person to be talking to so I reassured him that I wouldn’t be offended if I couldn’t be of any help what so ever and asked him to just say what he wanted. He’s a tall guy, but I didn’t feel intimidated as he stood towering over me as I sat there at my desk. I could have stood up to be more inline with his eye line, but then what would that have achieved; so I just sat there.

David’s email”, had began with, “four of us are moving into the main office” Well of course I knew what Kevin wanted, I was five steps in front of him. “Stop there” I said, you’re looking at desks aren’t you?. “Yes” came the surprised reply. He went on to say that he was wondering if we had any spare desks just incase David didn’t want to let any be taken out of the room. I told him my advice was to take the desks out. We needed less people in there and if we took the desks out then there was less of likelihood of people sitting down and creating the body heat that the air conditioning can’t cope with – I’ll leave that topic for another day as it’s been going on for months. Anyway, I told him we had a spare one in our office if he needed it and I could always move some others about if he needed to match anything – you know like they do with that feng shui – don’t go there.

So today, he’s back. David’s agreed to the desk being moved out, but he’d like a matching one – a little “I thought so ” came into my mind. “No problem”, I said, we’ll sort it out for you. I like to think we can do things in the back ground with out any fuss for them; I call it internal customer relations. I’ve not done a feedback sheet yet on internal customer relations but having said that I might start to construct one and include in the monthly customer care statistics. Now how would we measure internal customer satisfaction ? I digress.

Well, with my back, I knew my days of moving furniture on my own were over, so I asked the IT gentlemen if they were up for a bit of furniture moving. Of course they were, although not available straight away, and I quite understand this, we had to make an appointment for 3.00.

2.55 came round and I Iooked at the desk opposite me that was being re-positioned in sales to match the other one that Kevin had put there. Now I think of it, I can see where this feng shui comes in, it’s like ying and yang, little and large, up and down! I could go on, but there I was staring at this simple desk. I thought I can move that on my own and be getting on with the job. Naturally, being aware of the office politics, I had previously made an announcement of my intentions to move the desk around, so no one bothered when I tipped it over on it’s side and slid it out of the office and towards the lift.

So I pressed the button for the lift and with only a few slight bangings and scratches, managed to get it in there. Laura and, I forget her name, ( I’m no good with names), passed me on the stairs as I was struggling to get it out on to the landing. “Oh don’t bump into us” one of them laughed. I thought I’d have job with something this size, I’m not exactly travelling at 30mph!

I got it into sales and then you’d have thought I was announcing some important event – the whole room went silent. Suffice to say I just carried on, on my own, no one came to ask if I needed any help, but then again everyone is so busy in sales it was understandable.

Dusting myself down as I went back down stairs, there were the lads bang on 3.00 waiting to help. We stripped the machinery and electrical contraptions off the desk at the door and got it to the side of James the accounts manager – he just watched even though we had to move the dozen boxes of accounting filing that were in the way. Nevertheless, he’s another internal customer as it was originally his staff’s desk that we were moving so I wanted positive feedback.

We did put a smaller table in it’s place and replaced the wiring and machinery in next to no time after this, so all in all it does look neater in that area. I’m glad now that Kevin, I think that’s his name, came to me for assistance because not only have we got rid of un matching tables in front of me, we’ve got a smaller more shall I say efficient area for the printer / fax and auto entry system and – this is a bonus – I threw out that chair that kept tipping people on their side when they sat on it.

So all in all a good a days work. I’ll sleep tonight and the energies in that room will be more balanced and ready for the week ahead. I just hope Kevin doesn’t move that desk I put upstairs as I didn’t tell him the legs were not fixed to the table.

Let’s hope the weekend is good.

Diary Entry

March 28, 2009

Dear Diary,
I had another trip to the development circle last night. I’d been looking forward to it all day, what with the ache in my neck due to repeated stints on the PC, I was glad not to be sat at a desk, and I thought at least the “deputy” won’t be in charge interrupting what little message I had to give like he did last week.

Parking was not so easy as my usual place in the street behind the Church was full. When I say full, I mean there was no room to fit my car in between the odd size of spaces that some very kind drivers had left in between the other cars already there. One wonders if the drivers can’t manoeuvre in without leaving a 4 foot gap in between the vehicle both in front and rear of them. Then again, maybe I’m just being unkind and there could have been a fleet of those “smart” cars parked in between at another convention that had recently finished, and, I’m guessing here, they had all just left leaving the empty odd sized spaces behind. Oh well.

So as an exception to the usual routine, it was further down the next street that I managed to find an empty stretch in front of a row of houses. There was just the one car parked at the end so I drove up and parked behind it. Suffice to say that I did leave the mandatory 9 inches gap to allow for a 5 point manoeuvre should anyone have parked too close behind me.

I needn’t have worried, Jemma, ( from the Reiki group) parked behind me and left me plenty of room. So we walked up towards the Church together. There weren’t as many smokers in the designated area as other nights. When I say “designated area”, I use that phrase loosely, it’s the door step!!!!.

No, only one person there puffing away under a cloud of obnoxious gases. Now usually, I’d take a deep breath and go straight in trying not to take any of the smoke in to my lungs. However tonight here was another exception, after Jemma had gone in, I was immediately blocked from following her. This lady then moved right in front of my path and stood on the step facing me as I stood in the rain and cold and began telling me a story about her weekend. I wouldn’t care but she was talking to me as if I should know what it was all about. I know I’ve been coming to development classes for some time now, but my mind reading isn’t that well developed as yet. You have to be polite, so of course I nodded in what I hoped were the right places and made what I thought were the right noises as I wondered why I was being given all this information about the hotel rooms etc. I do find it hard to smile and at the same time cover up a puzzled look on my face, I hope she didn’t notice.

Now you know me, I’m not anti social, but I do think there is a time and a place for everything, however I felt I was in the wrong place, listening to the wrong conversation and what’s more, I couldn’t hold my breath any longer. Whether she was conscious of stepping to her left as I moved to my right in order to try to get past her I don’t know, but it was as if I was being blocked until the whole story had been told. After a while I started to shiver with the cold and it was only the fact that I saw the end of her cigarette was in sight that gave me hope that the story would be entering it’s final chapter soon and I’d be able to get inside the building to relative safety and comfort.

The phrase, “closing techniques” went through my mind as I tried to establish a way to end the “blockage”. The smell of the smoke kept me from concentrating on which words to use until finally I just said what “was” and that was “It’s too cold to stand here I’ve got to go inside”

Well Eureka!

Echart would have been proud of me. As soon as I realised what was, then that was the answer, I was inside in a second whilst the lady was still stubbing out her “dimp”.

Of course by this time, Jemma had signed in and found a chair and was sitting comfortably and I sat next to her after I had found my reading glasses after searching through the four pockets in my top coat, and then found my name in the signing in book. “Why do they keep changing the order of the names?”, I asked myself as I searched for my name. I was on the front page the other week and now I was on page 2. I little smile crossed my face as a sudden thought went through my mind – “had I signed in as someone else previously?” Oh well, I had enough to worry about wondering what would happen upstairs without the bother of who I had registered as downstairs.

As I looked around there were some new faces and some familiar one’s when all of a sudden I heard from a familiar voice, “They’ve cut me out of the will. My son say’s he’s never going to speak to me again”. I looked at Jemma, she looked at me, and we both laughed like two naughty school children – yes this was the very negativity that we had spoken about the previous night in a phone call to each other. I’ll just tell you that it’s always the same with this person, there’s always something that she is complaining about to someone – anyone who will listen. I just don’t know how they can put up with it, I know I can’t. I don’t think she has many friends for some reason.

So in laughing mood, it was time to go down the 2 steps that lead up to the 12 steps to the upstairs room. Of course as I was on my “journey” upwards, I had to cut out all thoughts of a lighter nature and concentrate on rather more serious things as I ascended to a “higher plane”.

3 2 1 and now in more sombre mood, I looked for my chair in the place where I usually sit. I should state here that we always have to sit in the same place – I could see a space, but not the chair. Was someone trying to tell me something? This left me in a dilemma as we are not supposed to speak so how do I communicate the fact that there is no chair there? I didn’t know at the time, but this was a portent of what was to come, more of this later.

The lady who normally sits on my left could only smile, she’s very spiritual, she told me a cat was on my knee on all night at last week’s service, sorry circle, but then she was most helpful in pointing to a stack of chairs from which I duly took one and sat down.

It seems that I wasn’t the only one with a “chair issue”, as the lady who met me on the door-step entered and announced that she couldn’t sit on the chair provided and then proceeded to swap chairs around. I detected this was much to the chagrin of Josie who was already in the room leafing through papers and frowned upon us talking as I mentioned earlier.

We normally start with prayers, but they got missed until some one mentioned them, I felt we hadn’t quite set off on the best footing on this night – now don’t ask me why, but it just felt that way – was I becoming more aware of my feelings?, were these sessions paying off in raising my awareness of the energies around me? It certainly felt that way, so that was positive then.

The positive feelings I had in feeling good about my own development didn’t last long when I struggled to understand what we were being asked to go through by pretending to be a spirit person trying to get a message through to a medium ( a learner at that). and this message had to be relayed to a person in the room. Oh I wasn’t on my own, there were puzzled looks in abundance, but no one seemed keen to ask anything other than me. That’s when my head began to ache. It was easier communicating ” I needed a chair to sit on”.

Yes you can guess ( is your development improving then?) it was all down hill from there, right to the very end with me suffering from a migraine ( I don’t get migraines), but also because as we got to the bottom of the stairs and waited to enter the “ground floor” area, a glass was shattered on the stairs and all of a sudden we were in a danger zone without any bollards or warning tape available.

It didn’t end there, as I left the building with a bad head,it was a good job Jemma left at the same time going to her car. I headed for my usual car parking area which of course was entirely in the wrong direction. I was in another world, quite forgotten we’d parked else where but I couldn’t forget the experiences we’d been through in so short a space of time – I’d only been out 2 hours but it felt like a week of Sundays.

Till next time,
will there be a next time?
I don’t know.
I’m waiting for an answer / for direction / for inspiration

I feel like the word I wrote on the note book that Josie gave us when I first went upstairs – it was “LOST”.

Best get to bed.

Hello world!

March 28, 2009

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